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Idiots are invincible by Dr Angelo Rodafinos

The fool-proof ‘Ro’ method to deal with stress, solve problems, and enjoy the process!

Dear friends, Can I please ask you to forward this email (a free sample of my ebook) to your list of friends? As you probably know by now, my second book “Idiots are invincible” has been translated to English and is available as an e-book ($4.99) in Amazon, Itunes, Smashwords, etc., while the printed version ($23) can be purchased from Create Space. Both my books have received EXCELLENT comments from the 15.000+ Greeks who have read it. Sample reviews are here and here (there are lots more in Greek, and even more here]. My only marketing method at the moment is the Word-of-mouth process which is kind of slow. Please note that I am NOT asking you to buy it ( long as all your friends do!). Yet, I am asking you to pass the free e-book sample to your list of friends (and tell them to pass it on). A few more good reviews from those who read it, and a few dozen emails from each of my reader friends to their friends would give it a significant boost. Then I can retire and live on an island - and you can visit and stay, so here is an incentive for you! Should you choose to assist me in this, kindly forward this email, or something along these lines:

“Here is an e-book with an interesting and humorous approach: ‘Idiots are invincible: The fool-proof ‘Ro’ method to deal with stress, solve problems, and enjoy the process!’ To download a free .pdf sample click here. Take a good look - it might help you see things in a different perspective! Please pass it on to your friends who might also appreciate it.”

Thank you in advance! Angelos Dr Angelo Rodafinos Program Director Social Sciences, Swinburne Online Adjunct Teaching Fellow, Swinburne University of Technology

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